Change begins one shift at a time

Fill your own deli cup first!
Pre-shift and Post-shift supplements are created to have a clean sustaining energy throughout your restaurant shift. For too long we have relied on sugary energy drinks full of harmful chemicals and unsustainable energy. We then crash from this unhealthy energy supply as our central nervous system overloads from the stress of the shift!
What if we had a new way to sustain our energy? A solution to the high sugar or aspartame crash we know so well, a way to calm those nerves after a hammering of heavily modified tickets, or a tough table that gets your blood temperature rising. When fatigue hits we need not only a boost of energy but a refocusing of the mind.
What if we had an organic, all-natural based mixture of cultivated and foraged mushrooms, dried herbs produced by local small scale farmers, organic matcha as a caffeine source, an alcohol and sugar free option to get us through the shift, before, during and after?
What would that do to our culture? How would that make us feel? How would that allow us to engage with each other?
PreShift and PostShift